
The company resource represents the shop owner data. It contains information about the shop owner and general information about the operations of the shops. 

What can you do with Company?

The FlickRocket API lets you do the following with the company resource. More detailed versions of these general actions may be available:

GET /api/companies.json?updated_at_min=2016-03-16%2021:03:29

Partners can receive a list of all associated companies which have been updated after the given date.

GET /api/companies/search.json?

Partners can search for companies matching supplied query

GET /api/companies/#{token}.json

Receive a single company identified via token (Company ID)

GET /api/companies.json?self=1

Receive data for your own company

PUT /api/companies/#{token}.json

Modify an existing company identified via token (Company ID).

GET /api/companies/count.json

Partners can receive a count of all associated companies

Company Properties

"account_level": 3

The FlickRocket account level:

  • 0: None
  • 1: BASIC
  • 2: SILVER
  • 3: GOLD

This field is read-only.

"accounting_export_active": true

True if accounting export is enabled.

This field is read-only.

"affiliate_mode": 0

This field defines how the payout to affiliates is handled:

  • 0: Payments are done by Flickrocket
  • 1: Payments are done by shop owner

This field is read-only.

"affiliates_active": true

True if the affiliate system is enabled.

This field is read-only.

"api_active": true

True if the API order system is enabled.

This field is read-only.

"city": "Beverly Hills"

Address of the company (city)

"comment": "Online Webinar 01/2016"

Comments to this company entered by admins or partners.

This field is read-only and accessible only to admins and partners.

"commission_model": 1

The commission model for this company.

This field is read-only and accessible only to admins and partners.

"company_additional_name": ""

Address of the company (name extension)

"company_disabled": false

True if company is disabled. Shops of disabled companies are not active. Customers can still access content unless the company is deleted.

This field is read-only.

"company_name": "Sample Inc."

Name of the company as used on sales confirmations and for money transfers.

"company_type": 6

The type of this company:

  • 2: Content owner (Protect Software)
  • 3: Replicator
  • 6: Content owner (Flickrocket)
  • 9: Partner

This field is read-only.

"country": "United States"

Address of the company (country)

This field is read-only.



Details about the company's country:

"ID": 27

ID of this country as used for other functions.

"Country": "Germany"

Long name of the country.

"Eu": 1

This value is 1 if the country is a EU member state and 0 if not.

"Country_id": "DE"

The country's two letter ISO Code ISO-3166-2 

"Euro": 1

This value is 1 if the country's curreny is EUR and 0 if not.

"Culture": "de-DE"

Default language for this country.

"Num": 276

The numeric ISO-3166 country code

"VideoFormat": 1

Default video format to be used for this country. 0 = NTSC / 1 = PAL

"DVDRegion": 2

Default DVD region format to be used for this country if DVDs are written.

"Currency": USD

The default currency of the country.

"VAT": 19

Default VAT/Sales tax rate for this country.

"TimeOffset": 60

Default time offset (minutes) to GMT for this country.

These fields are read-only.

"creation_date": "2008-01-13T20:35:03"

Date and time of the signup.

This field is read-only.

"creditcard_number": "xxx"

The credit card CVC number (security code on the back). This is not stored and can never be read.

This field is write-only.

"creditcard_number": "xxxxxxxxxxxx0660"

Credit card number stored for the company (masked out)

"creditcard_expiration": "06/2017"

Credit card expiration stored for the company

"digital_products_only": true

Set to true if the company sells only digital products. This setting results in a different choice of payment systems and what product types will be displayed in the shop.

This field is read-only.

"email": ""

Email of the company as used on sales confirmations and other customer communication.

"esd_payment_route": 0

The payment route for online sales. 0 is directly with FlickRocket and 1 is via partner.

This field is read-only.

"external_access_token": "WZLSYSMYNOXSMSBN"

This token can be used as credential for external access of specific functions like fetching reports.

This field is read-only.

"first_name": "John"

First name of the primary company contact

"id": 1202

ID of this company. This is often used when other calls are made.

This field is read-only. 

"inventory_management_active": false

True if inventory management is enabled.

This field is read-only.

"language": "en"

The primary language used for this company. This language is used for communication with FlickRocket (admin interface, emails, etc.). The shop and product data might be in multiple different languages.

"last_name": "Doe"

Last name of the primary company contact

"managed_users_active": true

True if managed users functionality is enabled.

This field is read-only.

"moblile_phone": ""

Mobile phone number of the primary company contact

"payment_reminders": 0

The number of open payment remindes sent from FlickRocket to company. This can contain a number if payments fail, e.g. because the stored credit card expired.

This field is read-only.

"phone": "0231-9767650"

Regular phone number (land line) of the primary company contact

"price_model": 0

Indicates the price model to be used for this company. 0 is the default price model.

This field is read-only and accessible only to admins and partners.

"prod_payment_route": 0

The payment route for physical productions. 0 is directly with FlickRocket and 1 is via replicator/partner.

This field is read-only.

"province": "CA"

State/province of the company adress.

"province_code": ""

State/province of the company adress.

"restricted": 0

Is set to 1 or higher if the company is in some way restricted. Restrictions can apply for certain content, goods and services which require special rules for being offered (e.g. adult content, security software, financial services, etc.).

This field is read-only.

"sales_contact": 1025

This field contains the assigned sales contact within FlickRocket (if assigned).

This field is read-only and accessible only to admins and partners.

"partner": 1065

This field contains the assigned FlickRocket partner's Company ID (if assigned).

This field is read-only and accessible only to admins and partners.

"partner_model": 1

Indicates the commisson model to be used for this company. 

This field is read-only and accessible only to admins and partners.

"sample_mode": true

Set to true if the shop operates in Sample mode. Admins can set a shop to sample mode during the initail setup phase of a new shop. In this mode the shop is already fully functional but any sales are treated as sample without charge.

This field is read-only

"shop_active": true

Set to true if the company has a functional shop. This requires at least the following:

  • Company data entered (name and address)
  • Payment system selected
  • Products defined (incl. price model, theme assignment, etc.) and made available
  • Products uploaded (digital content only)
  • Shipping data defined (physcial products only)
  • Domain setup completed (restricted companies only)

This field is read-only 



Contains additional data about why a shop is not active.

"No payment system": false

Set to true if no payment system has been defined.

"No products": false

Set to true if no products have been defined.

"Disabled": true

Set to true if the company has been disabled. This can happen after payment problems or admin initiated.

"Incomplete company data": false

Set to true if the company data is incomplete.

"Products incomplete": false

Set to true if some or all/products are incomplete.

"No active theme/domain": false

The to tree if no theme/domain is defined.

"Limited access mode": false

Set to true if the shop has been set to "Limited access mode".This is often done when the shop is prepared before going live.

"show_recommended_products_fluxplayer": true

The player shows product recommendations if this field is set to true.

"stop_selling_at_stock_level_below": 0

The number of items left in stock at which the shop will stop selling the item. This field is only in use if inventory management is enabled.

"street": "Sample Street. 123"

Address of the company (street and number)

"tax_options": 0

0-1:  B2C / 2:B2B

This field is read-only

"updated_at": "2016-02-24T14:19:51"

Date and time of the last update made to the company record.

This field is read-only

"valid": true

Set to true if the company is valid and operational. 

This field is read-only

"warn_at_stock_level_below": 0

The number of items left in stock at which the shop will warn the shop owner that the item is running out of stock. This field is only in use if inventory management is enabled.


"zip": "90210"

Address of the company (zip/postal code)

Receive a list of all Companies updated after a certain date

GET /api/companies.json?updated_at_min=2016-01-16%2021:03:29

View Response

Search for Companies matching supplied query

GET /api/companies/search.json?

View Response

Receive a single Company identified by Company ID token

GET /api/customers/#{token}.json

View Response

Modify an existing Company identified by CompanyID token

PUT /api/companies/#{token}.json
    "company": {
	"company_name" : "New Sample Company",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe"

View Response

Receive a count of all associated Companies

GET /api/companies/count.json

View Response