
This object contains various information about the shop and the shop owner. The following fields are supported:

Variable name Object Description Note
collections_count int Returns the number of collections in the shop.  
company_id int An internal numerical identifier of the company who owns the shop. EF
contact_us string This string contains the name and address of the company, separated by “<br/>” sequences. EF
countries List<Country> Returns a list of all supported countries (which contain state information if applicable). EF
currency string Returns the shops currency (for the current user) in the ISO format (e.g. “USD”, “EUR”, etc.).  
customer_accounts_enabled bool As FlickRocket customers need to create an account for a purchase, this flag will always return true. EF
customer_accounts_optional bool As FlickRocket customers need to create an account for a purchase, this flag will always return false. EF
description string This is the text the shop owner specified as shop description.  
domain string Returns the domain of the given shop.  
email string Contains the email address of the shop owner.  
facebook_app_id string In order to use a Facebook widget, it is necessary to specify a Facebook application id, which can be obtained here (if existent). EF
facebook_url string Contains the URL to the Facebook account of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF
google_url string Contains the URL to the Google+  account of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF
homepage string Contains the URL to a homepage of the company (if specified in the web interface). EF
icon_url string This is the URL of the favicon of the web pages. EF
id int An internal numerical id for the shop.  
instagram_url string Contains the URL to the Instagram account of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF
languages List<Language> Returns a list of supported languages in the shop system. EF
name string This is the shops official name.  
payment_methods List<PaymentMethod> This list contains PaymentMethod objects, which each specify the support of a given payment method (including logos). EF
permanent_domain string This is the same as domain, which is the main URL of the shop.  
pinterest_url string Contains the URL to the Pinterest stream of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF
products List<Product> Returns all products of the shop in one list.  
products_count   int The total number of products in the shop.  
seo_description string Returns a Search Engine Optimization description of the shop. EF
seo_keywords string Returns some Search Engine Optimization keywords of the shop. EF
seo_title string Returns the Search Engine Title of the shop. EF
shop_logo Image Returns an Image object for the given shop (if available). EF
show_rating bool If this is true, the shop products should show a rating. EF
subscriptions List<Subscription> Returns the possible subscriptions the shop has to offer. For more information about subscriptions, please have a look at the Subscription object. EF
tumblr_url string Contains the URL to the Tumblr account of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF
twitter_url string Contains the URL to the Twitter account of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF
types List<string> Returns a list of all product types of the given shop (e.g. “E-Book”, “Software”, etc.)  
url string The URL to the main index page of the shop.  
vendors List<string> A list of all vendors selling products in this shop. This will usually only be the shop owner.  
vimeo_url string Contains the URL to the Vimeo account of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF
youtube_url string Contains the URL to the YouTube account of the shop. If there is no such information available, this string will be null. EF

Note: Some parts (marked with EF) of this object are exclusive to FlickRocket. If you are using a theme orginating from Shopify and want to use this functionality, you need to add this.