
ThemeSetting is used to get and set Theme related settings. A Theme defines a shop's design, domain(s), communication with the customer (e.g email) and various presentation related settings.

Each ThemeSetting relates to one Theme. Themes can be created from scratch, modified from existing themes or purchansed in the Theme Store.

A ThemeSetting is automatically created and can be modified and deleted. If a ThemeSetting is deleted, the corresponding shop cannot be accessed any longer. 

What can you do with ThemeSetting?

The FlickRocket API lets you do the following with the Product resource. More detailed versions of these general actions may be available:

GET /api/themesettings.json
Receive a list of all ThemeSettings

GET /api/themesettings/count.json
Receive a count of all ThemeSettings

GET /api/themesettings/#{id}.json?fields=theme_id,domain
Receive a single ThemeSetting

POST /api/themesettings.json
Create a new ThemeSetting

PUT /api/themesettings/#{id}.json
Modify an existing ThemeSetting

DELETE /api/themesettings/#{id}.json
Remove a ThemeSetting from the database

ThemeSetting Properties

{"access_domain": ""}

Separate option domain under wich the "My Content" section can be operated, e.g. using dedicated resources for large enterprise environments.

{"affiliates_enabled": true}

Set to true if the Affiliate Management system is active.

{"affiliate_percentage": 10}

The revenue percentage paid to affilates which sign up via the theme.

{"allow_anonymous_reviews": false}

Set to true if the theme allows anonymous product reviews. If set to false, customers are required to log in before beign able to review products.

{"allow_reviews": false}

Set to true is the product review system is enabled. Customers are able to write reviews for all products in the shop.

{"company_id": 1202}

The Company ID to which this ThemeSetting belongs. 

{"domain": ""}

The recommended domain under which the shop is operated. There may be additional active numeric or vanity domains which are operated for compatibility reasons. Read-only.

{"enabled": true}

Is set to true if the theme is enabled. Read-only.

{"facebook_url": ""}

The Faceboook account being used by the social components of the theme. 

{"google_ecommerce_enabled": false}

Set to true if Google E-Commerce tracking is enabled. See Google E-Commerce tracking for more information. 

{"google_shopping_account_id": ""}

The Google Shopping account associated to this theme. This is used to sync product data with Google Shopping if the Google Shopping App is installed.

{"google_tracking_id": ""}

The Google Analytics Tracking ID. this is used to embed Google Tracking code into themes.

{"google_url": ""}

The Google Plus link being used by the social components of the theme. 

{"html_tag": "<script> ........ </script>"}

HTML code placed into each page of the shop. Often used for analytics, etc.

{"homepage_url": ""}

The homepage URL of the web presence. This can be the shop but can also be some other page which is interlinked with the shop.

{"id": 1001}

Unique ID referencing this ThemeSetting.


locales: []

This are the parameters which can be localized in different languages. If no localization for a certain language exists, the shop uses English.

{"id": 3167}

Unique ID referencing this locale.

{"language_id": "de"}

The two byte langauge code of this locale.

{"offline_message": ""}

The message displayed if the shop is in offline mode.

{"seo_description": ""}

Description used by the theme to dynamically generate the individual shop pages HTML description tags.

{"seo_keywords": ""}

Comma separated keywords used by the theme to dynamically generate the individual shop pages HTML keyword tags.

{"seo_title": ""}

Title used by the theme to dynamically generate the individual shop pages HTML title tags.

{"shop_description": "FlickRocket Sample Shop"}

Description for this shop theme used to display this theme (shop) in the players.

{"shop_name": "Sample Shop"}

Name of this shop theme used to display this shop (theme) in the players. 

"meta_tag": <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="4B10BA85204DB" />
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="LApwz0vxKamtnnmfo5" />

Meta tag used for the theme's HTML meta tag. It can for example be used to authenticate a theme against Googleand Bing search engines. 

{"mobile_domain_available": true}

 Set to true if the theme gas a separate mobile domain. Read-only. 

{"need_approval_of_reviews": false}

 Set to true if reviews require shop owner approval before being published. The approval is done via the admin interface.

{"name": "Neutral Gray (1001)"}

The name of the theme. Read only. 

{"newsletter_enabled": true}

Set to true if the newsletter feature is enabled. In this case the theme allows emial signup to the newsletter feature. 

{"sample_product_id": 13235}

The Product ID of the product used as sample product in this shop.

{"sample_product_license_id": 19}

The License ID  of the license used for the sample product offered in this shop theme. 

{"send_email_on_new_review": false}

If set to true, the shop owner will receive an email for every new product review. 

{"shop_domain": ""}

The custom domain of the shop (if available)

{"shop_icon": ""}

Used as icon for this shop theme as fav icon and in the players.

{"shop_offline": false}

If set to true, the shop displays the offline message (see locales) and is only accessible to the shop owner.

{"sub_domain": "3266749"}

The numerical sub domain of the shop under which it was created initially.

{"theme_id": 8249}

The id of the theme. 

{twitter_url": ""}

The Twitter account being used by the social components of the theme. 

{updated_at": "2014-05-16T12:26:57"}

GMT date and time of the last update to this ThemeSetting. 

{"vanity_domain": "ms"}

The vanity sub domain of the shop (if exists). For example, if this it set to "ms", the final shop domain would be

{"youtube_url": ""}

The Twitter account being used by the social components of the theme.


Receive a list of all ThemeSettings

GET /api/themesettings.json
View Response

Receive a count of all ThemeSettings

GET /api/themesettings/count.json
View Response

Receive a single ThemeSetting

GET /api/themesettings/#{id}.json?fields=theme_id,domain
View Response

Create a new ThemeSetting

POST /api/themesettings.json
View Response

Modify an existing ThemeSetting

PUT /api/themesettings/#{id}.json
View Response

Remove a ThemeSetting from the database

DELETE /api/themesettings/6100.json
View Response